Cattle slaughter fell below 40,000 head
Cattle slaughter continues to contract. In the week ending March 8, 38,312 head were processed, 5,377 fewer (-12%) than the previous week and 16,000 fewer than the peak four weeks ago.
The drop compared to the prior week was driven mainly by cows, down 22% to 13,157 head, while steers fell 10% to 18,392 head, accounting for 48% of total slaughter.
The most active plants were Marfrig-Tacuarembó (5,281), San Jacinto, owned by the Urgal family (3,458), and Las Piedras (3,273). The three main slaughter groups in the country all cut back on activity for the week. Marfrig and Minerva, each operating four plants, slaughtered 12,581 and 8,109 head respectively, while the Urgal family, operating two plants, processed 6,614 head.
Sheep slaughter shrank to less than half in the weekly comparison
INAC reported that in the week ending March 8, 8,886 sheep were processed, of which 3,730 were lambs.
The most active plants were San Jacinto (4,856), Las Piedras (3,449), and Cuareim (224).